Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Emma Action Shots

I've got so many things to do today and doing my best not to get overwhelmed by The Dreaded List. As such, I thought the perfect way to kick off my day was to share with you some of my favorite recent photos of my darling little EmmaBean. These pics make me smile, laugh, and otherwise fill my heart with joy that this totally cool kid is in my life. I am so grateful to be her mama.

Em and I having a girls' day out

Tiger-girl striking a pose

The Little Imp snuck in to Mom & Dad's room to sleep last night

My Personal Fave: Emma's Self-Portrait titled, "Rock Star"


For your consideration and/or comment:

Which one is your favorite pic and why?


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Dot-Com said...

The tiger pic put a smile on my face. Lovely!

Judy said...

Tiger is my favorite. Emma shows no fear.